Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena, Extra Vecchio (Extra Old)
Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena, Extra Vecchio (this designation means Extra Old, given at the 25 year mark). We work with this producer in Modena, and we selected their 25 year balsamico for you. This is a very lovely treat – so thick, so full of flavor, you only need a drop or two to fully appreciate the years that this balsamico aged in the attic. Our favorite ways to enjoy this amazing balsamico are drizzled over cheese, over peaches, strawberries, pineapples, pears, grilled or steam vegetables, beef, pork – the delight is endless! Extra Vecchio Balsamico is sold only in the original certified 100mL bottles directly from Modena – numbered and dated! Each bottle comes in its own beautiful Italian gift box, and includes special corks and a recipe/descriptive booklet.
NOTE: AÂ signature will be required at the time of delivery of this product.